Harvest Yourself Lavender Weekend
Az idei nyáron immáron 7. alkalommal köszönthetjük kis falunkban azokat az érdeklődő családokat, baráti társaságokat, nyugdíjas csoportokat, akik a Hegyi család birtokára a VII. Szedd Magad Levendula Hétvégére érkeznek.
2024. június 22-től
9231 Máriakálnok, Szél utca
(behind the water tower),
on the farm of Hegyi family
How the idea of Harvest Yourself Lavender Weekend came?
We’ve domiciliated lavender stems in 2016 on near 1.5 hectare. It took two years for them stems getting stronger, and meanwhile we got to the recognition that lavender harvest can turn into a nice social event, if visitors are allowed in our farm.
So the first open harvest was in 2018, since than every year we try to enrich and broaden the programmes for our visitors. Happy to see, that more and more visitors are coming, from all over Hungary, some as an organised tour to spend a whole morning or afternoon at us usefully.
We try to provide experiences for every age group, so there are playgrounds, playful treasure hunting and handicraft workshops for children, while their parents and grandparents can visit the market of quality handmade products, and of course enjoy the unique experience of lavender harvest. No need to worry about getting hungry or thirsty meanwhile, as quality handmade food and soft drinks are available at the stands of vendors coming from the region Szigetköz.
Video about the fair last year
What to expect this year; will there be any innovations?
According to our experiences and the feedbacks from visitors we try to broaden the program range every year. This year we’ll present our new lavender-harvesting machine bought from a support of a project. Our other plan is to introduce the life and habits of bees to those interested. First this year, live music also will be provided.
Some of our product achieved prices recently.
The price giving ceremony of Magyar Ízek Versenye / Contest of Hungarian Taste will be held during Harvest Yourself Lavender Weekend, when the handmade products of Hungarian small-scale farms are evaluated by acknowledged Hungarian gastronomy professionals. We are happy to announce, that our lavender syrup achieved a silver price, while our lavender jelly and Chilindula bronze prices.
When Harvest Yourself Lavender Weekend scheduled this year?
(70) 549 7035
9231 Szél utca, Máriakálnok, Hungary

Lavender Field Kálnok is waiting for you

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