Lavender Field Kálnok
Gift of the nature, medicine for body and soul
Why lavender?
Not surprisingly, the cult of lavender is reviving nowadays. Our lives are crowded, full of challenges and stress every day, creating a need for something smoothing. Nature always gives the best opportunity for treatments and beauty care. A slip from the spicy fragrance of lavender calms the confused mind at instant, while lavender oil and lavender water made by distillation heals body and soul at the same time.
Aimed to build a new world with my family - where nature and health accompany each other - when planned to establish Lavender Field Kálnok. Couldn’t find more suitable place for it than Máriakálnok, where not only the special microclimate of Szigetköz region, but there’s a long-time famous creek with wonder effect, which also contributes to ideal environment.
As soon as we planted the first lavender roots with my family, they started blooming and serve us their gifts ever since. Lavender – known as a basic herb already in ancient Greek – here, in the heart of Szigetköz becomes even more special, absorbing the benignity of this soil, enhancing its well-known healing effect.
How Lavender Field Kálnok was established?
Always arises the question: why lavender? Interestingly, thinking back I recall, a glass of lemonade with lavender had started the whole. We’ve planted lavender in our orchard previously, and my wife, Kitti made lemonade from it in the summer of 2015. But what a lemonade! The best one even tasted in my life.
The same year we started to consider what alternative, unique plant could be cultivated here, in Kisalföld, Hungary. Lady’s thistle, crimson clover and sweet potato all bumped up, I’ve favoured the last one. But then that lemonade came. Planning started: what could we do with lavender, how could be processed.
First we’ve thought to cultivate it for its seed, after three years an acceptable quantity of it could be produced (100-200 kg/ha). Domiciliation had been on the autumn of 2016, following a careful planning. I’ve bought a modest two-row dibbling machine, remodelled it a bit, and all 12300 seedlings were planted in a day, with the help of the whole family.
How we are working nowadays?
Our farm is almost 12 hectare, out of that lavender occupies 1.5 ha. Plants evolved and grow already a lot in 2017, and meanwhile we’ve made an inter-row cultivating machine for cultivating. The field already looked beautiful that time, but I didn’t even think about how versatile the utilization of lavender could be.
Then an idea was born...
2018-ban jött az ötlet, hogy „kitelepülünk” egy kis sátorral, aratótáskákkal és akkor bárki szedheti a levendulát. Nem a legeredetibb ötlet volt, de nagyon szeretem az emberek arcán látni a csodálkozást, amikor sétálnak 12300 tő virágzó levendulásban. Megnyugtató és jó érzést vált ki mindenkiből. Ez volt az I. Szedd Magad Levendula hétvégénk, amit azóta még kettő követett. Minden évben egyre több termelőt hívtunk meg, és egyre többen tiszteltek meg bennünket a látogatásukkal. Bevallom őszintén, az I. Szedd magad évben kapta meg a nevét a Kálnoki Levendulás.
Continuous improvement
In 2021 – after saving money for years – we managed to buy a harvesting machine, which spears a lot of work. Of course, for proceeded products manual harvest remained. We can harvest a great quantity of plants in the greatest quality, and naturally, without chemicals. Part of the plants will be distilled, and other part tied in bouquets, the rest is dried, as had been lately.
Our mission
Az egyik fő értékesítés a vásár során történik, majd karácsonykor. Leginkább cégek vásárolnak tőlünk, de nagyon szeretnék a közösség felé is nyitni. A fesztiválokon és azon kívül is aktívan támogatjuk a Példa Egyesület munkáját, és lokálpatriótaként nagyon fontos nekem a szülőfalum, Máriakálnok élete, közössége. Szívesen veszek részt és kezdeményezek újítást, programokat, és támogatom a falut. A család minden tagja részt vesz a vásár lebonyolításán. Akkor mindenki sürög forog, teszi a dolgát. Feleségem Kitti, három gyermekünk, szüleim, testvérem Gábor, és családja is velünk van olyankor.
My father helps a lot in maintaining the machines, and supplies me with helpful advices every time. I inherited the love of agriculture from my father, was interested in soil work since I was born, but never thought being enrolled in lavender production.
My mother owns a local pub; I was taught from her how to deal with people. My mother’s brother, Ferenc was with us almost every day till the start, never can be grateful enough for him; but unfortunately he died before being able to see our success. So lucky I am having such a supportive family, we always can lay on each other. That is what I’d like to inherit to my children, and of course, the love of agriculture and lavender field.
(70) 549 7035
9231 Szél utca, Máriakálnok, Hungary
Lavender Field Kálnok is waiting for you
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